Tjäna 7 miljoner på en bra idé

Tydeus Software är ett nystartat mjukvaruföretag som känner sig på topp i potential men saknar nyskapande idéer. Därför har man startat en tävling för att hitta en sådan.

"Entrants are asked to create a 300 word answer to the following question:

Q. Imagine and describe the concept, purpose(s) and functionality of a software application that, if developed and released, would (a) be useful to more than 100,000 different people; (b) be worth paying more than $20 per year for a single user license; (c) not require any special hardware beyond a normal desktop computer and an Internet connection; (d) have little, poor or expensive competition from existing applications; and (e) be technically feasible to develop a version 1.0 in less than 12 months with a competent development team."

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